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Monday, 14 March 2011

Lent---day six

Being someone who displays traits of Aspegers it is an annoyance to me when people make up words to emphasize a point to support their philosophy e.g. followship. Ever heard of it before? No, neither have I.

So, what shall I do? Contact the person concerned and challenge their use of english or just ignore it?

Being a person who expresses his opinion when things annoy him, not only concerning words, or the misuse of existing ones, or the apparent cult of personality, or the not helping those dear to me, it is apparent that some people are fed up with my commenting on FB/Twitter et al about the same. To these people I am an orange peg.

After a discussion with my significant other who helps me try to understand why I am like I am, and why others are like they are I thought about making the following post to Twitter:

To some, I am apparently a blue peg,
To others, I am an orange peg - - -get over it!

but was advised not to.

So am now thinking posting:

Orange pegs need to be understood - not judged.

This statement is directed to me as well as to others---kind of a "physician heal thyself" scenario.

So here's to trying to understand why some people insist on creating new words - nouveaulexicon.