First some good news----well good news for me----I cycled home in 29 min 19 secs. My first sub 30 minute cycle ride home of the year..and I feel good :) (Average speed 15+mph)
Men and friendships:
I used to have a very good friend who let me down and deserted me in my hour of greatest need. Now, there is no contact, no swapping of birthday or Christmas cards. Obliterated from my life and vice versa it seems.
I used to have another friend who was pretty close. I realised over time that it was always me that did the telephoning and suggesting we go out. So I stopped ringing. He didn't make contact with me for over 18 months, so I guess he not that bothered. We still do swap birthday and Christmas cards and presents.
Years ago, I had what can only be called a friend who was more like or even greater than a brother. He turned his back on all friends by virtue of life style choices he made and chose not to make contact with anyone from his "past".
Through FB, we re-established contact, met up ,which was great, as it was as if the absent 12 years had never happened. I am going up to bonny Scotland to spend a long weekend with him in May which I am looking forward to with much excitement and anticipation. We don't swap birthday or Christmas cards and presents but do send the obligatory one line greetings on FB.
Where am I going with this? I don't know!!
Does friendship require effort or is it something that should happen naturally?
Do we take people for granted and thus make no effort?
I have learned that true friendship is two way. A one way friendship I don't think is really what can be called friendship. We could be delusional in thinking that the other person sees themselves as our friend.
So, for all those with a list of friends on FB counted in the dozens, hundreds and thousands, are you really a true friend to them all? Is it an ego trip on your part
having so many "friends". Are you prepared to make an effort to develop a true friendship? If not, perhaps the list on FB should perhaps be re-styled "Acquaintances list". (or is it a case of being noisy to see what they are up to?)
As for me, I am going to make an effort with one of the "friends" referred to above very soon. Am guessing I should accept him for who he is, not give up on him as others did to me, show him that I really care.
Here's to friendship and more sub 30 minute rides