He leads me beside still waters
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Tuesday, 5 April 2011


My youngest daughter is undertaking a missions trip to Zimbabwe later this year and needs to raise £2000.

Both she and us have contacted lots of friends, many of whom have very kindly donated monies to the cause.

Yesterday, my daughter learned that someone had made a very generous anonymous gift. We so much want to thank the giver for the generosity and in some ways it is most frustratubg not knowing who to thank. I do, however, understand the anonymity as I too have given to causes of friends without letting them know it was me that helped. There is a certain pleasure in doing that but also the Bible tells us to do out good works in secret.

With a strong follwoing wine, I decided to cycle home. Despite touching 22 mph at times, the 7.53 miles journey still took 33.23 minutes---over the ideal 30 minute barrier. Good exercise though that is helping me in my weight loss challenge.