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Saturday, 2 April 2011


Wow---two weeks to go. This is easy, although there have been a few little "shall I"'s?

This morning I went to allotment to do some weeding. One thing I have learned over the years is to tackle the weeds as soon as they appear becau if you leave them, not only do they take over, but they are harder to get rid of later.

In our conservatory, I have a good supply of carrots, tomatoes, leeks, brocolli, lettuce, cucumber, climbing beans, dwarf beans, chilli peppers, spanish sweet peppers and onions coming along nicely. GOod be a good year for produce :)

In the afternoon, it was a trip to a charity shop and tip to get rid of some junk that has accumulated in our home for far too long.

So much energy exerted today resulted in me having a snooze in conservatory late afternoon ;)

Been a bit naughty today in having some pork scratchlings :) it's a man thing!