Sitting here on a quiet Sunday afternoon surfing I thought, let's look at my blog. So I did and shock horror----it hasn't been updated since before last Christmas!!!! Where has time gone?
And so it came to pass at the start of the second week of the third month of the 53rd year of the life of Kevin that he began to reflect on life since the last post.
Christmas came and went, another New Year was seen in at KND, another birthday was celebrated/remembered, this year's summer vacation has been booked (Switzerland again-where else?), many courses and seminars have been attended for work and a long weekend away been booked for May to spend with my long standing friend Brian.
How does one "become" gay or has one always been that way? Is it a life-style choice or part of of one's DNA? Knowing the truth of God's word and choosing a life-style that is contrary to that---is that brave or foolish? Why and how?
So looking forward it
Hopefully, my next post will not be so long in coming