He leads me beside still waters
Free Site Counters

Thursday, 24 March 2011


Today up early for 7.20 train to Londinium attending a conference on the reform of housing finance.

Dull? Not when you are a bean counter.

Actually, I learned some invaluable information that will surely help me in my work.

Listened to two Rachmaninov piano concertoes on way up - his No2 and No 3. On way back Shakatak.

Two different styles but both interesting to listen to.

So now in the evening , earplugs are in again---listening to the Rachmaninov-esque Warsaw Concerto by Richard Addinsell played by Patrik Jablonski.

Back in my teens, a neughbour of mine told me he would consider me a good pianist if I could play the Warsaw Concerto. Guess I am not good :(